TBC or not – 5


嗯啊,那是一个诡异的早晨,私十分悲剧地用左肩背着装满书的书包(据说单肩背很重的东西不好的)于清晨 6 点顶着那南国也常有的寒风(不过貌似似乎一点都不冷)走在乡间大马路上经过十几分钟的艰难跋涉来到了学校门口走进教室却发现学校里灯火通明……


—— To be continued or not, that’s not a problem.
—— Of course I will continue it.doubanclaim687f4c46d078592d woshao_99ad12b7fdb16e3030cc8378056465ac



9 点 26 分,我在 EmEditor 编辑器中写完 HostsX 新版的最后一段代码。

10 点 20 分,我在 Gmail 邮箱中阅读着之前用户发来的反馈报告。

11 点 3 分,我在 Chrome 浏览器中在我基于 WordPress 的网站上发布了 HostsX 软件的新版本。

一切看上去都像是一个开发者——我——的生活。嗯,勉强算是吧,不过眼前最让我牵挂的似乎还是 4 个月后那场可恶的中考。我讨厌考试,这种压力很不好。
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  • 最简单的嘛,当然是直接点着然后抛出去。嗯,玩一会就无聊了。
  • 稍微好玩一点的,嗯,将一个的捻子捆在另外一个的捻子上,然后点着。其实嘛,这个也很无聊, 可是我乐的不在点着的过程上,咱乐的是寂寞——咱乐的是那排布鞭炮的过程。
  • 嗯,还有的,便是在墙上找小洞,然后将一个鞭炮塞进去点着,然后便能听到鞭炮的闷响。
  • 曾经也喜欢找拿几个,找张可以点燃的纸包起来,然后将那张纸点着。但是,遗憾的是,从来没有一次能够在纸烧完时将里面包的鞭炮全部引爆。(其实这就跟一长串放一样,但是我注重的不在那引爆的一瞬——太吵了!)

好吧,外面放鞭炮的人太多了,太吵了,嗯,就连 CCAV 的春晚的声音都几乎听不见了,那么,我不写了。


谷歌拼音扩展 LUA 中的 orderedPairs

今天在写谷歌拼音扩展,希望给出的候选词能按照数字顺序排列,而我在源文件中 tablekey 已经按顺序写了,可输出仍然是乱序。于是去官网查了点资料,发现一段代码:

只需要用 orderedPairs() 代替掉 pairs() 即可,但是后来发现我的扩展中若嵌入这么大一段代码,大小就太大了,于是就打算精简下。联想到 .Net 程序的混淆器,我如法炮制,将所有变量名全部混淆,于是得到了下面的代码:

嗯,你应该看出来了我直接将 pairsorderedPairs(这里其实是 _9)覆盖了。

总之,这个对于平常的开发是无用的,但是对于谷歌拼音扩展则是十分有用。你要是喜欢,欢迎随便转载。我已经提交到官方 wiki 去了。

Oe-l nga-ti kamêe

今天去镇江中影东方国际影城看了数字 3D 版的 Avatar。君不见 Pandora 山水景……忒壮观了。鸟影院的 3D 眼睛太差。鼻梁被弄得疼死了,而且效果也不好,颜色太暗淡了。摘掉眼镜看效果都比戴着眼镜看好。BS 一下中影。

看之前先用手机上了下 RunPee.com,结果告诉我有五个时间可以冲出去尿尿:

  • 56 分钟处,有 4 分钟时间:They land at the mobile science station. Jake narrates that he knows Grace – Sigourney Weaver – brought them out here to get him away from the Colonel. Back in the avatars: Neytiri takes Jake to see the birds that they ride. She tells them that they bond with one of the Na’vi and that bond is for life. Then she jumps on her bird and flys around while Jake watches. Then a series of scenes where Neytiri is teaching Jake how to speak her language. They have fun but she thinks he is a moron – that’s her nick name for him.
  • 67 分钟处,有 4 分钟时间:It has been three months. Jake talks to the Colonel. The Colonel informs him that the time is up. Jake tells him that he can finish this mission. The Colonel informs him that he already has. The intel that he got about the Tree of Souls is the thing he was looking for. Now he has the Na’vi by the balls. Then he tells Jake that he is a man of his word and will give him back his legs. Jake talks his way into going back to the Na’vi one more time to help reach a relocation agreement. He is to go through a ceremony that will make him a member of the tribe. And then he will be able to negotiate with them.
  • 93 分钟处,有 5 分钟时间:The army begins to mobilize to take down the tree. Jake and Grace talk Parker – the company man – into giving them a chance to convence the Na’vi to leave. He agrees and tells them they have 1-hour. In their avatars: Jake tells the Na’vi that they will die if they face the sky-people. They must leave. Neytiri asks Jake if he knew about this. He tells her that he did. She is upset and says, “I trusted you. You are not a part of my people.” The Neytiri tie Jake and Grace up to a tree to be punished. Just then the army arrives.
  • 105 分钟处,有 4 分钟时间:They go to the science lab in the jungle and use the ‘chopter to move it deep into the jungle where it can’t be found – near the tree of souls where the flux interferes with radar. Jake enters his his Avatar. He wakes up in the jungle. He knows that he must do something drastic before the Na’vi will listen to him.
  • 162 分钟处,有 2 分钟时间:There is no extra scene after the end credits.

根据伟大的主角不死定律,观看此电影几乎无悬念。同时根据美国电影一向有感情戏的惯例,在电影开头便猜出 NeytiriJack Sully 后来的关系。同时发现被 RunPee.com 认为最无趣的几个画面在我看来都非常精彩……嗯,我发现我还是挺强大的。


Me: 咋外星人和地球人一样要吻的……真无趣
Haoxiang Mok:是啊~要是让我编外星人的礼节就是见面碰PP。爱上了就掴一巴掌,互相喜欢就不停互掴

话说这电影中的 Na’vi 语,还真的有人编写出了 Na’vi 语字典。不过我只学会了一句话:Oe-l nga-ti kamêe. (I see you.)